The four seasons of a woman’s menstrual cycle 

The four seasons of a woman’s menstrual cycle 

Innate wisdom I first started to learn about the intrinsic wisdom of woman’s body back in 2010 when I was preparing to conceive my first son.   I had bought the book ‘Fertility Awareness Method’ by Toni Weschler which gives an amazing overview of how a woman’s body...
How I discovered Homeopathy

How I discovered Homeopathy

My Homeopathy journey started when I was 23 and suffering anxiety induced by being on the contraceptive pill.  I had been on the Pill for around 6 years at this time and from the time I went on it anxiety started to feature more heavily in my life and got worse as the...
Stress and ovulation

Stress and ovulation

Life has been topsy turvy for the past couple of years and I am seeing an increasing amount of women who have stopped ovulating and are having anovulatory cycles or ovulation is delayed over this time due to feeling very anxious and stressed.  Stress greatly affects...
Simple tips to calm anxiety 

Simple tips to calm anxiety 

One of the main reasons people seek Homeopathic treatment with me is for anxiety, and it is no wonder in the current climate with so much uncertainty around that anxiety is on the rise.   Firstly it is important to know your triggers and write a list of all of the...
What is a Homeopathy consultation like?

What is a Homeopathy consultation like?

If you have never consulted with a Homeopath before either online or face to face you will notice the sessions are very different to your GP appointments because they are not rushed and you can talk about all of the things that are affecting you. You are not just...
Natural solutions for thrush

Natural solutions for thrush

It can be a sensitive subject to talk about but it is something that so many of us go through and it is important that we look after all aspects of ourselves.  There have only been a few occasions where I have had thrush.  When I first went on The Pill to  “balance my...
Hayfever support

Hayfever support

Testimonial for my summer hayfever support programme: “The programme you did for X worked perfectly. Within 4 days the symptoms went and she has been fine ever since!! I honestly couldn’t believe how well the treatment worked. I know you mentioned the...
Seed cycling for hormone balance

Seed cycling for hormone balance

There is a really simple hormonal health hack that I would love to share with you.  Seed Cycling is easy, contains many beneficial nutrients and is essentially eating hormone friendly foods synched with your menstrual cycle.  These 4 easy to find seeds are not only...
Side effects of the contraceptive pill

Side effects of the contraceptive pill

The truth is that The Pill does not “balance hormones” like we are led to believe.  The Pill completely shuts off your natural hormonal system giving you a steady flow of chemical hormones which try to replicate natural oestrogen and progesterone. This is a medical...
Feeling good all year around

Feeling good all year around

Over on my social pages this month I have been sharing a small daily tip about how you can feel vibrant and well.  I’m sharing my top 5 here in case you missed them, and of course we want to feel good all year around so I hope you find some inspiration to improve your...